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作者:湖南建筑资质办理 发布时间:2023-11-3点击:90



How to Upgrade from Level 3 to Level 2 in Hunan River and Lake Treatment Construction Third-Level Special Contracting Enterprise Qualification

As an essential aspect of China’s environmental protection plan, the regulation of rivers and lakes is crucial for maintaining the country’s ecological balance. A crucial aspect of this regulation is ensuring that the contractors in charge of this work have the necessary qualifications to complete their tasks effectively. In Hunan, the provincial government requires that companies operating in river and lake treatment have the appropriate qualifications. In this article, we will discuss how a level 3 contracting enterprise can upgrade to level 2 in Hunan.

Understanding the Qualification System

Before you can upgrade from a level 3 to a level 2 contractor, you must understand the qualifications required for each level. There are three levels of qualification for river and lake treatment construction in China. Level one is the highest level, followed by level two, and then level three. The requirements for each level include different elements such as registered capital, the number of professional and technical personnel, and previous experience in river and lake treatment construction.

Improving Registered Capital

One of the ways to upgrade from level 3 to level 2 is to improve the registered capital of the contracting enterprise. At level 3, the minimum registered capital required is 2 million yuan. For level 2, that number is 5 million yuan. It is essential to prepare the necessary documents and provide the necessary justification for this increase in registered capital.

Increasing the Technical Personnel

Another crucial aspect of upgrading to level 2 involves increasing the number of professional and technical personnel. While a level 3 contractor can have a minimum of one professional and technical personnel, a level 2 contractor must have at least five people in this role. It is crucial to ensure that the professional and technical personnel possess the necessary qualifications and certifications required by the Hunan government.

Demonstrating Successful Project Experience

One of the critical requirements for upgrading from level 3 to level 2 is demonstrating successful project experience. The Hunan government requires that contractors have a minimum of two completed projects with an investment amount of at least 2 million yuan to upgrade to level 2. It is critical to provide all of the necessary documentation and certifications to prove the success and quality of the completed projects.

Complying with Relevant Regulations

Finally, it is essential to comply with all of the relevant regulations set forth by the Hunan government. The government provides clear guidelines outlining the requirements for level 2 qualification. Ensuring that you follow these guidelines carefully will ensure that your application for upgrade is accepted.


In summary, upgrading a Hunan river and lake treatment third-level special contracting enterprise qualification to level 2 requires a significant investment of time, documentation, and effort. However, by following the guidelines provided by the Hunan government and ensuring that all qualifications, personnel, and documentation meet the necessary requirements, it is possible to upgrade successfully. By doing so, your contracting enterprise can take on more significant projects, increase its credibility in the industry, and continue to invest in the ecological improvement of China’s rivers and lakes.

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